Patches for PC-DMIS 2010 MR1 Release Fixes in Build #34 ================== 1. PR# 268132 - Fixes TK mirror/cut/paste problem 2. PR# 268109 - Application is crashing during the view path operation 3. PR# 267934 - Application Error cancelling some parts of the program in Edit Window 4. TK# 107020 - Give access to internal commands of toolkit feature 5. PR# 265346 - Add support for exporting multiple IGES cad elements if the ExtendedCommand is an IInternalCommandContainer 6. PR# 268127 - Semi random crashes after deserialization in DTypeInfoObjectList::GetDescriptionExpression() 7. PR# 265161 - DMO of toolkit features - let bases decide whether to output or not 8. PR# 267934 - Remove commands from CommandManager when deleted 9. PR# 268077 - MaxMinSize needs to represent pixels. 10. PR# 267989 - Put code in to make sure that the correct alignment is used when re-executing an iterative alignment 11. PR# 268243 - Call Auto Insert Moves for TK features 12. PR# 268330 - 3D Rotate Mode is broken 13. PR# 268212 - Problem deserializing attached program if schema is different from parent program 14. PR# 268329 - Execution manager out of sync - fix 15. TK# 107357 - Fix missing german square slot string toggle 16. TK# 107713 - Extended Edge Point - Fix this Problem: Minus Tolerance in Dimension labels for TK features are wrong. 17. TK# 107817 - Extended Edge Point- Fix this problem: NOMINAL and MEAS on the dimensions are out of sync with the THEO and ACTL of the internal features has completed QA 18. TK# 107800 - 'Update commands with the new part alignment' dialog is confusing the operators at VW/AUDI in South America 19. PR# 268558 - VW EMDEN - Hyperreport with Analysis View doesn't look like in V37 and V43 20. PR# 268446 - PC-Dmis Application Error when I try to recalibrate Probe Offset 21. TK# 107860 - DMO for TK Audi features 22. PR# 268643 - PCD 2010 MR2 T2 Custom Build - The Preview Window doesn't reports the values of the measured points. 23. PR# 267712 - Preview Window not updating coordinates in Point Only Mode 24. PR# 268208 - Application Error on clicking with the mouse on the Edit Window 25. PR# 268497 - AnalyzeWindowObject - When I enable transparency on the AWO in the custom report editor the bitmap with the profile shows empty. 26. TK# 107867 - See if I can make the AnalWin object paint more efficient 27. PR# 268663 - VW EMDEN - Profile Form and Location of Constructed Offset Point 28. PR# 267944 - printing transparent. For now, just print what we had for the screen 29. PR# 266366 - Add CMM OS Interface version V1.20 30. PR# 268385 - Flip horizontal or flip vertical in the AWO will change the scale property (also if the AutoScaleToFit property is set to NO) 31. PR# 267813 - IGES file is very slow to draw after initial import 32. PR# 268096 - Missing surfaces in the attached NX 7.0 model... 33. PR# 268545 - FORD Koeln - Open attached pp needs 3 Minutes and 6 sec of time, In PC-DMIS 2010 Release 30 s. 34. PR# 268525 - If I only rename a TK feature in the edit window (dialog works well) and close the pp the app is crashing 35. PR# 268527 - 8T0_827_023_R_K2_TM2_04052009.PRG Serialization error. Error: 36. PR# 268000 - RMEAS Default Mode causes feature to measure at Relative Measure Feature centroid 37. PR# 261809 - Collision with Auto Relative Measure by belongs to intersection point 38. PR# 268983 - If I drag and drop a dimension profile to an AWO that lays on top of a header label the initial view is incorrect. 39. PR# 262957 - An exchange of the label template in custom reports is not persistent 40. PR# 268540 - Show Features in CAD Reporting Object create problems in combination with feature sets and label 41. PR# 268903 - CRASHDUMP : - Crash in reports accessing NULL command pointer - MR3 QA 42. PR# 269020 - Section Cut Profile looses the image after redrawing the report window 43. PR# 269009 - If we select a main view direction (using the toolbar) for the AWO we automatically do a scale to fit. 44. PR# 269078 - Custom report does not update the main report 45. PR# 269083 - AWO min/max user labels not always displaying 46. PR# 268524 - VW Emden - Feature Sphere cannot be measured in pp, message "Feature cannot be measured by unknown probe" 47. PR# 269136 - Add ability to square up distance dimension leader lines 48. TK# 107943 - Section cut method to flip vectors 49. PR# 266759 - view path lines executes all commands 50. PR# 268192 - The Part/Machine axis setting (from the F5 dialog) gets lost when saved to v42 pp 51. PR# 269010 - Used deviation color in the ActiveX control i.e. in Legacy dimension labels is not correct 52. PR# 268730 - AF Round Slots - same part, same features shows different values measuring it with 3.7mr4 and 2010 MR1 Custom 53. PR# 269070 - Using autofeature and movign a point via show hits toggle the measure is no updated after execution 54. PR# 268108 - It is difficult to move an AF's individual user-defined hits with the mouse 55. PR# 268158 - Square slot deviation will be always 0 if we have user defined hits 56. PR# 269434 - CRASHDUMP : Caterpiller crash in tip offset calculating code