Patches for PC-DMIS 2010 MR3 Custom Release Fixes in Build #39 ================== PR# 270851 - Don't update AudiFeature timer if not in the Command Manager's list PR# 272403 - support old style comment text for hypers PR# 272196 - Added missing check in ExtendedCommand for DMISFeatOutWDimens TK# 108769 - Updating ID of referenced Toolkit commands PR# 270827 - Changes to support RMEAS features in AudiFeatures with PASTE-WITH-PATTERN PR# 268593 - After a rotation of the ABC axis using a joystick, move point / probe angle issue Fixes in Build #35 ================== PR# 272483 - Force math during execution of constructed features Fixes in Build #34 ================== PR# 272029 - Fixed STI crash PR# 272221 - Fixed problem with sets of sets as inputs to best fit alignments Fixes in Build #33 ================== PR# 272283 - Changed the order the bundle transform is applied for incoming data Fixes in Build #32 ================== PR# 271718 - Single-Click Cylinder doesn't show full 370 degrees Fixes in Build #28 ================== PR# 272322 - ARMARM calibration stop after execute probe Fixes in Build #27 ================== TK# 108695 - Toolkit installer creation Fixes in Build #26 ================== PR# 270747 - Expose properties on label layout (meas vs nominal, lines, etc.) PR# 270970 - When they refresh the report window with toggle 'View Report Mode' enabled the page remains empty PR# 271047 - With reference to 270832 - Fix the remaining problem with the shift of the view mentioned in #270832 Fixes in Build #25 ================== PR# 272107 - If they transform the alignment from MCS to Car alignment by using offsets, all move points are changed Fixes in Build #24 ================== PR# 271282 - Dimension Colors change after closing program PR# 271659 - Dimension colors wrong for FCF flatness, correct for legacy Fixes in Build #23 ================== PR# 270814 - Measured plane computation isn't compatible to 37. VWSA can't update to 2010. PR# 271568 - The positive Reporting is broken in 2010MR3 PR# 271738 - unit flatness represents the incorrect tolerance value Fixes in Build #22 ================== PR# 270748 - The trihedron of the AWO is changing the size when they print it on different machines Fixes in Build #21 ================== PR# 271433 - DMO OUTPUT doesn't work for Laser AF's Fixes in Build #17 ================== TK# 108308 - Extended Edge Point - Fix this problem: The feature and the vectors changes persistent to the 'highlight' colors TK# 108794 - Extended Edge Point - Fix this problem: The inner commands list doesn't update correctly on method Evaluate() TK# 108947 - Extended Edge Point - Fix this problem: VW counter has only 3 digits (must be 4) PR# 270878 - Vector error measuring circle PR# 271526 - Crash at the second execution of this program after a scan PR# 271198 - After a succesful calibration PP execution, the angles where not in SET are not calibrated (wrist mapped probefiles) PR# 271568 - The positive Reporting is broken in 2010MR3 Fixes in Build #16 ================== TK# 108954 - Perimeter Point - Fix this problem: The PP features are not listed in the 'Constructed Feature Set' dialog Fixes in Build #15 ================== PR# 271555 - ATR command is not executed in execution mode PR# 266199 - True position evaluation of cylinder does not display the correct axis values for evaluation point in summary table Fixes in Build #14 ================== PR# 270855 - The 'CAD Levels' dialog and the 'View Setup' dialog are out of sync for the CRO in the reports PR# 271216 - imported XML file of FBM can't mark the relative commands of adjust filter PR# 271448 - PC-DMIS Crash saving the attached Part Program Fixes in Build #12 ================== PR# 270744 - They can't multi select labels in the custom report editor when they have a huge label in the back. PR# 270748 - The trihedron of the AWO is changing the size when they print it on different machines PR# 270967 - All hidden feature label shows in the graphics window when they move the part in quick fixture mode Fixes in Build #10 ================== PR# 266199 - True position evaluation of cylinder does not display the correct axis values for evaluation point in summary table PR# 270830 - They can't turn On the Auto Size property for text objects. For this reason the Min-Max Labels in the AWO doesn't display in the selected distance to the profile. Fixes in Build #9 ================= PR# 270422 - Enable Single-Click auto cylinder PR# 270668 - ProE DCI fails to load proewildfire4.dll PR# 270689 - Unable to select and drag CAD GD&T items PR# 270826 - 'Transform' context menu item is disabled if only one node is present in the CAD assembly tree Fixes in Build #8 ================= TK# 108531 - Animate rotary table PR# 270092 - Square Slot selection fails frequently in Custom Build #4.... PR# 270748 - The trihedron of the AWO is changing the size when they print it on different machines PR# 270752 - Their reports show always the complete CAD assembly tree. They can't hide the fixture any longer. Fixes in Build #6 ================= TK# 108318 - Please redesign the F&G creation process. Cad selection and parameters definition PR# 269606 - PC-DMIS will not startup with Leitz B4 controller in PARK PR# 270632 - Message Can't Insert at current Postion PR# 270746 - TitleShow Property set to 1 display the string 'NULL' in the AWO PR# 270832 - When they enable the leader lines in the Select Point Info Dialog the view changes so that the profile isn't visible any longer PR# 270936 - It takes them 48 minutes to open the attached pp and to refresh the report window PR# 271053 - CRASHDUMP 2010 MR2 RELEASE : CMDIClientHook::WindowProc (12 occurances) Fixes in Build #5 ================= TK# 108587 - Extended Edge Point - Fix this problem: Each EEP increase the PRG file size for about 1 MB PR# 270743 - They can't drag and drop Dimensions to a Custom report with a huge header label. PR# 270797 - Dimension theo values are not updated when changing the feature theoretical (with F9 in the feature) PR# 271044 - CRASHDUMP 2010 MR2 RELEASE : Close Part Program Crash Fixes in Build #4 ================= TK# 107689 - Implement a feature extraction library able to work with all the non contact sensors supported by the company. Implement the control for Extrusion. TK# 108266 - Implement a feature extractiion library able to work with all the non contact sensors supported by the company. Add the CONE element TK# 108318 - Please redesign the F&G creation process. Cad selection and parameters definition TK# 108413 - WaiFE miscellaneous changes and fixes in the NMATH library TK# 108414 - WaiFE limit the points used to evaluate the feature to a maximum of 20K if the client app is PC-DMIS TK# 108423 - Implement a feature extractiion library able to work with all the non contact sensors supported by the company. Change CONE parametrization. TK# 108425 - Implement a feature extractiion library able to work with all the non contact sensors supported by the company. Ability to handle scan data in different units. TK# 108477 - WaiFe logging the clouds in a bin format instead of a text file TK# 108493 - Implement a feature extractiion library able to work with all the non contact sensors supported by the company. Avoid logging under NCSensorsLogs for third party applications TK# 108501 - Allow the application bin2xyz to abort during the conversion TK# 108537 - Allow distribution of the WaiFE to programmers (copyhook.bat) TK# 108581 - WaiFE Add the Flush&Gap feature TK# 108588 - Extended Edge Point: Fix this problem: The outer EEP fetaure may not show in the PC-DMIS dialogs TK# 108687 - WaiFE - Enable Point Cloud Box Selection also for Cylinder, Cone and Flush&Gap features TK# 108822 - Please make Exposure changes available during calibration TK# 108839 - Please make the clearance distance on qualification being set by probe PR# 269325 - AF Edge Point - When we measure an Edge Point with probe angles not perpedicular to the Edge Point surface, the results is not good PR# 270363 - Change memory allocation to a more efficient way in pointcloud/auto features related code and eliminate memory leaks PR# 270393 - Crash dimensioning a cylinder PR# 270548 - No Form evaluation for cylinders extracted using WaiFE PR# 270622 - Cylinder probe gives different results between 2010R and MR1 PR# 270623 - FCE measuring Stud PR# 270756 - AF Laser surface point gives "Feature calculation error" if Horizontal clipping is < 4 mm PR# 270962 - The tool change cycle appears to be lost in 2010 MR3. Fixes in Build #3 ================= PR# 267788 - When I create an auto vector point with thickness type ACTL the ACTL values of the added feature are incorrect. PR# 270330 - Alignment dialog crash PR# 270763 - Parse error on ExportIP file with FCF Negtol PR# 270877 - Feature Based Measurement crashes app when XML file is imported for FBM