ZEISS NEW INTERFACE =================== 1.995n 08/11/10 RK Jogbox speed and DCC speed can be different now (configuration options - JOGBOX_SPEED, MAX_SPEED) TECH80 INTERFACE =================== 4.51 11/05/10 RK PR# 269126 support of old CaliperPCI.dll (packed with PCDMIS 3.5) - new dll crashes on old card, registry option OldCaliperDLL CMMOS =================== 1.30 30/Nov/10 RK PR# 270867 PCDMIS core 2011 allows USER_CMMOS and debug registry options can be moved to USER areas from ADMIN. 1.29 29/Nov/10 RK PR# 270807 added driver_add_entries() to see CMMOS in SettingsEditor, removed INIReplaceDefaults and only SaveDefaults is used. ZEISS NEW INTERFACE =================== 1.996n 07/12/10 RK For blue jogbox key space avoided possible crashes caused from pressing some keys (space) ZEISS NEW INTERFACE =================== 1.997n 01/11/11 RK Jogbox key 6 allows to disable probing and pops up the dialog with text "Probing is disabled until you press OK". G53 (without parameters) was added at the end of routine which sets manual mode speed for newer controllers. It resolves problems with creepingly slow manual mode speed after collisions or when part program ends with hit.