--Moving and Renaming Example --This example moves and renames a datafile associated with the accounting tablespace from 'diska:pay1:dat' to 'diskb:receive1:dat': - --Take the tablespace offline using an ALTER TABLESPACE statement with the OFFLINE clause: -- ALTER TABLESPACE qwert_blockindex OFFLINE NORMAL; -- -- Copy the file from 'diska:pay1.dat' to 'diskb:receive1.dat' using your operating system's commands. -- Rename the datafile using the ALTER TABLESPACE statement with the RENAME DATAFILE clause: ALTER TABLESPACE qwert_blockindex RENAME DATAFILE 'd:\blockindex\qwert.ind' TO 'g:\blockindex\qwert.ind'; -- Bring the tablespace back online using an ALTER TABLESPACE statement with the ONLINE clause: ALTER TABLESPACE qwert_blockindex ONLINE;