The list below shows available construction operations. It discusses possible feature types under each operation section.
2D or 3D Line - Creates a constructed line feature that is oriented relative to 2 or 3 axes.
At Origin - Constructs a point at the alignment origin. No input features are needed.
Auto - Inspection Planner determines the best operation for the constructed feature based on the selected features. The is operation is not available for Constructed Slots, Sets or Generic features.
Best Fit - Constructs a Best Fit feature from the inputs. Using the Best Fit operation, you can create a line, plane, circle, ellipse, slot, cylinder, cone, or sphere. The following table lists how many inputs you will need to construct your feature.
Best Fit Feature To Construct |
Number of Input Features Needed |
Line |
2 |
Plane |
3 |
Circle |
3 |
Ellipse |
1 |
Slot |
1 |
Cylinder |
6 |
Cone |
6 |
Sphere |
5 |
BF (Best Fit) Recomp - Constructs Best Fit with Recomp feature using inputs. At least one input must be a point Using the Best Fit with Recomp operation you can create a line, plane, circle, ellipse, slot, cylinder, cone, or sphere. The number of inputs you will need to construct your feature is the same as the inputs for Best Fit operations (see table above).
Fit and Best Fit with Recomp cylinders can be constructed from
two circles. The input circles must be of type Constructed Best Fit
(BF), Best Fit Recompensate (BFRE), or Measured circles.
The total amount of hits in each circle must be at least three.
Cast - Constructs the specified feature type at centroid of the input feature. Only one input feature of any type is needed. Using the Cast operation you can create a point, line, plane, circle, ellipse, cylinder, cone, or sphere.
Corner - Constructs a corner point based on the input features.
Drop - Constructs a point feature when first feature is dropped onto the second line feature. Two input features are needed. The 1st feature can be any type. The 2nd feature must be a cone, cylinder, line, or slot.
High Point - Creates a constructed plane based on at least three input features. From the input features, Inspection Planner will construct a Best Fit plane and then rotate the plane so that the highest three points reside within the plane surface.
Intersection - Constructs the specified feature intersection of the 2 input features. Using the Intersect operation, you can create a point, line, or circle.
Intersect Point - Constructs a point at the intersection of the linear attributes of 2 features. The input types for either input feature should be a circle, cone, cylinder, line or slot.
Intersect Line - Constructs a line at the intersection of two planes. The input features must be planes.
Intersect Circle - Constructs a circle at the intersection of a circle, cone, cylinder, or sphere feature with a plane, cone or cylinder feature.
Mid - Constructs a point, line, or plane midway between the two input features..
Midpoint or Midplane - Constructs the point or plane feature midway between the centroids of any input feature.
Midline - Constructs the line midway between line, cone, cylinder, slot, or plane input features.
Offset - Constructs the specified feature based on the centroids of the input features and moved by the offset distance specified. The offset distance is given in terms of XYZ values. Using the Offset operation, you can create a point, line, or plane. The following table lists how many inputs you will need to construct your feature.
Offset Feature To Construct |
Number of Input Features Needed |
Point |
1 |
Line |
2 |
Plane |
3 |
Parallel - Constructs a line or plane feature parallel to first input feature and passing through the second input feature.
Perpendicular - Constructs a line or plane feature perpendicular to first input feature and passing through second input feature.
Pierce - Constructs a point feature where the 1st input feature pierces the 2nd input feature. The order that the input features are selected is important. The 1st feature can be a cone, cylinder, line, slot, circle or ellipse. The 2nd feature can be a cone, cylinder, plane, sphere, circle or ellipse. If the 1st feature is a line, than the direction is important.
Projection - Constructs a point, line, plane, circle, cylinder, cone, or sphere onto the selected plane, or the current work plane, when no plane is specified.
Reverse - Constructs a line, plane, circle, cylinder, cone or sphere with the same centroid and the same feature type as the input feature with the vector reversed.