Dimensioning Features

Most Multi Gage features have inherent dimensions that are automatically included in the report. Once a feature is measured, the associated dimension(s) are evaluated according to the provided nominal and tolerance values.

Additional dimensions can be reported by selecting the needed dimension with the features to be evaluated. Dimensions that can be added to your report that are not already inherently added include:

Here is a list of dimensions that are inherently included in the report:

Here is a list of size dimensions that are inherently included in the report:

Input Characteristics

Multi Gage uses the point, line or plane characteristics of features as input for dimension creation. The input characteristics are derived as follows:


  • From Points.

  • From the centroid of Circles, Spheres, Square Slots or Round Slots.


  • From Planes.


  • From Lines.

  • From the axis of a Cylinder or Cone.

  • From the long axis of a Round Slot or Square Slot.