Measured Feature Interface

QuickStart Window - Measured Sphere Feature

Measured Feature creation is accomplished by means of the QuickStart interface. This allows you to select the needed feature, measure it, and edit the parameters.

This topic is intended as a reference for the interface elements that are used for measuring features. See "Measuring Features" for steps to create measured features.

The QuickStart interface uses the following user interface elements for the creation of measured features:

Feature Measurement

Reference Plane



Provides a drop-down list that allows you to select an existing reference plane. If you need to measure a reference plane, the new plane is added to this list once it has been measured.

Click New Plane to insert a plane measurement step into the measurement progress for the current task.

Hit Counter


Displays the current number of hits and the expected number of hits for the given feature. You may take more hits than the expected number of hits.

Clicking Remove Hit to delete the last hit.

Current Feature

Displays the feature type that is currently being measured. Additional instructions are also provided to prompt the user for the current step.

Measured Feature Parameters

Feature ID

Provides the ID for the measured feature as it will be displayed in the History window, Status window and Reports.

Form Tolerance

Provides the tolerance for a feature's form. Evaluated features whose form exceeds the given value are considered to be out-of-tolerance. This value is used with all measured features except for points.

Nominal Length

Provides the nominal length for lines, cylinders, round slots and square slots.

Nominal Diameter

Provides the nominal diameter for circles, cylinders, cones, spheres

Nominal Width

Provides the nominal width for round slots and square slots.

+ Tolerance

Provides the plus tolerance for feature elements such as length and diameter.

- Tolerance

Provides the minus tolerance for feature elements such as length and diameter.