Status Window

The Status window displays the results of the current QuickStart feature. This allows you to view real-time results as you measure. The feature label provides a preview of the data that will be included with the report. Selecting a feature from the History window will also allow you to review feature results.

Note: Millimeter values are displayed with an accuracy of 3 decimal places while Inch values are displayed with an accuracy of 4 decimal places.

Status Window - Circle Example

Understanding Status Window Results

Labels created in the status window use icons to depict each of the reported values. Common to each label are the Feature ID and an icon representing the feature type.

The following icons represent different feature values:






Form - Circularity

Minus Tolerance

Form - Straightness

Plus Tolerance

Form - Flatness

Out of Tolerance - Negative

Angle - Cone Vertex

Out of Tolerance - Positive

Length - Slots

In Tolerance

Width - Slots