==FILE INFORMATION== CREATED JULY 26, 2003 * pcdmisvision.zip contains pcdmisvision.rtf, pcdmisvision.doc, and bitmaps.zip. * Pcdmisvision.rtf - This is the file that needs to be localized. This RTF file was generated from automatic Doc-to-Help processes from our Help authoring software. You may need to create a new translation memory for this (since this is brand new documentation). I doubt that our existing 3.5 translation memory (from: ftp://ftp.wilcoxassoc.com/Languages/v35TMs/ ) will leverage much of this. * Bitmaps.zip contains the GIF files that will be used for this project. You will need to localize (or recapture in your language) any files that contain text inside of them. To do this, use any tools at your disposal. Please note that the source text for the GIF files, help0004.gif - help0008.gif, comes from converted Word objects that you can access inside Pcdmisvision.doc. * Pcdmisvision.doc - For the most part, do not localize this file. I'm including it for your information only and so you can get at the source text for some of the GIF files. This is the original doc from which the RTF file was created. If you have questions about PC-DMIS Vision, please contact Neil Kay (nkay@wilcoxassoc.com): Happy Translating! Jared Hess jhess@wilcoxassoc.com