---------------------------------------------- DataPage/RT Version 3.2 Release Notes ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- DataPage - corrections/enhancements from 3.1 ---------------------------------------------- Seldata.ini is now stored correctly in the DataPage directory. Added GRR types to macro will still support old GRR Took out EXPLORER type for macro file execute open. Would cause dp to GP Fault on exit if the dialog switched directories EWIN98 only Eseems fine in 95 & NT. Print Preview Icon is disabled if no printer is set up on the system DP will not prompt if macro commanding to exit. Added GrrOperator, GrrPart, GrrTrial, GrrSigma, GrrMaster to macro save & execute. Corrected Select Data Dialog for empty database If I cant open/read/write the dbd file to change to 32 bit mode - generate an -127 (no dbd file) error & dont open the database Added Variable Alias option to Report Data / Stats / Meas 2 Reports/Individual Target Corrected variable name/alias printing to Probability Report Added Execute Current to Macro - will save file first if needed Corrected for Sort Ascending Queries - would use incomplete data (start & end dates could be reveresed or different from selected data) Printing Macros is now correct. Cause code reports is now in Macro command set. Start & End Dates are now in Macro command set. Can save Report files with different extension than .txt No need to select Variable/Trans for Cause Code report. Report Headers are fixed DataPage now recognizes the ? as a single character wildchard in VariableSets. Whisker printout - sometimes the chart would not align with the text, text would be clipped. MultiRun Chart - would clip the labels if they were long. ---------------------------------------------- Version 3.2 Enhancements/Corrections ---------------------------------------------- Added Out of Spec Report (Modified Exception Report). Correct Excpetion Report when only reporting Out of Control. ---------------------------------------------- Editor ---------------------------------------------- When the activation key is incorrect the editor no longer exits immediately. It allows you to access the system options and modify the key. The ascii dump no longer outputs (junk) data values that do not have corresponding transactions. When editing variable sets, you may now insert a new variable at a certain location in the set. Do this by highlighting the variable below the insertion point. Cause code have been added. There are two new entries under the View menu - View/Data and Cause Codes and View/Cause Codes. See the online help for more information. In the 'edit data values' and 'edit data values and cause codes' options, if you choose 'delete selected transactions', but have not selected all the variables belonging to that particular part, the transaction record will not be deleted. The help does not contain CauseCode help. For CauseCode help, double click on the Cause.Hlp file in the Datapage directory. ---------------------------------------------- Update Routines ---------------------------------------------- All Update programs are now 32 bit programs. AutoUpdate has been enhanced. LK-DMIS has been added to the updates. FARO update has been added to the updates. ---------------------------------------------- Monitor Mode ---------------------------------------------- When the part window is initially displayed, the colors of the new parts correspond to the parts current calculated status in the database. When calculating or freezing variables, a warning message now appears when there is not enough data to calculate subgroup limits. When there is not enough data, the limits are not frozen. When accessing the database, an error message appears when there is a read or write lock timeout. The right-click popup menu in the variable window has been rearranged and three new options have been added. The new options are 'View Control Limits', 'View Acknowledge Date' and 'Set Acknowledge Date'. The option 'Acknowledge to Current' behaves as the 'Acknowledge' menu item behaved in previous versions. It sets the acknowledge date to the current date and time. The option 'Set Acknowledge Date' allows you to set the acknowledge date to any date and time. The option 'View Acknowledge Date' allows you to view the saved acknowledge date. This option is only valid if a single variable is selected. The option 'View Control Limits' allows you the view the control limits for the variable if they are frozen. This option is only valid if a single variable is selected. When a part is added or deleted from the database, the part list is updated when the timer is set. ---------------------------------------------- DataPage/RT Version 3.24 Release Notes ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- DataPage - corrections/enhancements from 3.2 ---------------------------------------------- Corrected for Target Charts when there are no 'T' or 'TP' axes defined - Datapage would generate a protection fault. ---------------------------------------------- Update Routines ---------------------------------------------- Enabled the Perform Calculations on Update - was not being performed even if option was selected. Added the 'TIME' option for File Disposition - the file will be moved/renamed with a timestamp if the word TIME is placed in the Rename to Extension box. Corrected for moving files to a directory which contains a blank (C:\Move To Directory). Reflex Update will look for *.dat files - not S*.dat files. UPCSV32 has been enhanced to support the new Measure Max format of Trace Values in the data values line. ---------------------------------------------- Editor ---------------------------------------------- Corrected for the editor "losing" the authorization key. ---------------------------------------------- DataPage/RT Version 3.241 Release Notes ---------------------------------------------- Update Programs modified to clear the cause code on init. DataPage enhanced to allow more than 5000 data points. ---------------------------------------------- DataPage/RT Version 3.25 Release Notes ---------------------------------------------- Header/Footer selectable font sizes. RunChart stretch to fill / Max points per chart Bar&Whisker selectable font size. Allow turning off CauseCode label in SubGroup chart. Passed full path to find update programs to see if it helps in some cases to find the Update programs (editor). UPCSV32 has been modified to allow lines up to 5000 characters in length - was 1000. ---------------------------------------------- DataPage/RT Version 3.251 Release Notes ---------------------------------------------- Changed DPUpdate(3.25.3) & UpWinPCD32(3.25.3) to support longer names & replace the ' ' with '_'. UpWinPCD32 was also changed to correctly determine var/dim name when updated from the editor & Autoupdate. It was ignoring the READLOCK line under those conditions. If there are no axes (i.e., no period in the variable name) the statistics report will print a blank to keep the fields correct. Allow individual target chart with different tolerances. Was generating an error message assuming it was group target. Corrected when printing Multi Chart from Print Preview screen. ---------------------------------------------- DataPage/RT Version 3.3 Release Notes ---------------------------------------------- Changed default for stats report to be nom/up/low Removed the default PAPP company/address information. ---------------------------------------------- Monitor 3.25.4 ---------------------------------------------- Corrected to use calcspecs.ini file Datapage generates to perform calculations. ---------------------------------------------- Update Routines 3.253 ---------------------------------------------- Corrected to use calcspecs.ini file Datapage generates to perform calculations. Changed to flag the part/variable as out of tolerance even if subgroup calculations are not performed. ---------------------------------------------- DPUPDATE Routines 3.254 ---------------------------------------------- Corrected to use calcspecs.ini file Datapage generates to perform calculations. Changed to flag the part/variable as out of tolerance even if subgroup calculations are not performed. ---------------------------------------------- April 8,2003 exe date for Chinese zone fix ---------------------------------------------- DataPage/RT Version 3.32 Release Notes ---------------------------------------------- Corrected for Weibul math failure - some data _timezone issue for Chinese zone ---------------------------------------------- Editor 3.251 ---------------------------------------------- _timezone issue for Chinese zone ---------------------------------------------- Monitor 3.25.5 ---------------------------------------------- _timezone issue for Chinese zone ---------------------------------------------- Update Routines 3.253 ---------------------------------------------- _timezone issue for Chinese zone ---------------------------------------------- DPUPDATE Routines 3.254 ---------------------------------------------- _timezone issue for Chinese zone =========================================================== BETA VERSION CHANGES/ENHANCEMENTS =========================================================== ---------------------------------------------- DataPage/RT Version 3.322 Beta Release Notes ---------------------------------------------- Allowed query to be used in Process Chart Added: WinCommand Window Cascade WinCommand Window Tile to Macro commands Changed the way we decide OneSided() - back to old method Corrected for LTD issues - would die going into the selection dialog Made Nominal/Up/Low/Cpk/Range/3Sigma default for StatsReport. Ability to add Trace Names/Values to the DataReport output. Corrected the clipping of the last line of the header of MeasurementReport - to screen. Reports would incorrectly write text in the footer area. Printing an un-named macro will not die anymore. Correct when defining a printer in a macro. Adding PDF printing – uses the pcdmis pdf printer - is not complete. Increased the db path to help support longer path names – this caused everyone to change. Corrected for divide by 0 errors when all the data is the same value Corrected for extra line in GR&R reports. Correct for large portlock numbers (> 32000). Allow the user to type the partname in the data selection dialog. Macro Mode Enhancements: ONERROR NEXT; ONERROR STOP; If they put ONERROR NEXT; in the macro file, most DB errors are ignored - fatal ones still apply. So, "PART NOT FOUND", "NO TRANSACTIONS", .. will be ignored & the macro will just go on to the next command. Also added is the wildcard for PART. Part *; The wildcard should work as in DOS - PART DEM*; should find DEMO, DEMO1, DEMO2,.... It should also support the ? - DE?O would find DEDO, DEMO, DEBO, ... Corrected Header/Footer font size entry - would not be saved/used correctly. Added TitleHeader format & option to use it. Example (for DataReport): Data Report Title.1=MyOperatorName: (start)[OPERATOR] Another:
[MOLD] Last:[CAVITY] Data Report Title.2=TheCavityIs: (end)
[CAVITY] Data Report Title.3=GoldMoldBold: [MOLD] Data Report Title.4=This is a test where: [tracename] is the name of the trace to grab - ,
, - I default to
(value to grab) - (start) = first trace value of the transaction, (end) = last trace value [trace name to use] - which trace name to use to grab the trace value There is also an option on the dialog whether to use this info or not so the user does not have to erase it in order to NOT have it printed. This is also available when printing to file - currently based on an 80 character wide output. ---------------------------------------------- HASP ---------------------------------------------- HaspInstall now loads V4.95 & will work with XP. ---------------------------------------------- Monitor Version 3.321 Beta Release Notes ---------------------------------------------- Corrected for multiple part/variable selected for charts ---------------------------------------------- Editor 3.322 BETA ---------------------------------------------- increased max variable sets from 80 to 180 Increased the db path to help support longer path names – this caused everyone to change. Added a check box for PCDmis Updating - ignore/use stats file settings. ---------------------------------------------- All Updates support the longer database path ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- DPUPDATE (3.257) & upwinpcd32.exe (3.257) ---------------------------------------------- Don't add duplicate TRACE NAME/VALUES during update. ---------------------------------------------- upwinpcd32.exe (3.257) ---------------------------------------------- Use the ignore/use stats file settings flag ---------------------------------------------- uplk32.exe ---------------------------------------------- The upper/lower tolerances were backwards Would not always correctly update the data ---------------------------------------------- upcsv32.exe - 3.252 (18-Oct-2004) ---------------------------------------------- Did not seem to work correctly in all cases - especially if there were no quotes (") around the trace data. Added the ProMeasure import which was a slightly different format - this is the european version date format of dd/mm/yyyy. ============================================================================== Created 3.33 BUILD but without the PCDMIS PDF support since it is not complete. ==============================================================================