----------------------------------------------------------------------- Wilcox Associates, Inc. PC-DMIS GEAR Installation Notes: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ****************************************************************************************************** PC-DMIS GEAR v2.2 ReadMe File ****************************************************************************************************** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PC-DMIS GEAR Version 2.2 build 0421 (built on Apr 21, 2009) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enhancement are listed as below: =================================== 504995 - Need a way to print the gear report to both PDF and Printer automatically at the end of execution. CAT Decatur Request. The problems listed below are fixed in this version: ======================================================== 259804 - The probe always rotates to A0B0 to measure the pinion clocking tooth. 259812 - I cannot properly align this pinion gear. 258952 - The CANCEL button in the Gear execution dialog does not cancel anything. 259339 - When I try to access the Scan Settings from the Measure dialogthere seems to be a problem in the display area. 259814 - When I try to measure with an existing gear program, I get an unhandled exception error. 260096 - After initial alignment of this gear, the messagebox is hidden. 260105 - When I try to analyze Dimension Over balls on this gear, I get an unhandled exception error. 259735 - while installation an error come up with modgearhxfile.dll registration error 259928 - When I uncheck the Measure box, the application still tries to measure my gear. 260129 - Why does this probe rotate to A45B90 at the start of every gear alignment program. 260194 - The second startup of Gear will make Gear crash. 260093 - I get an unhandled exception error when viewing successive dialogs in the Gear application. 260102 - After I take the bevel manual points and press Done, I get an application error. 259893 - Although I specified A45, the application used the tip's A0B0 angle to measure all of the pitch points. 260130 - The probe does not rotate to the selected angle to measure the clocking teeth on this bevel gear. 260219 - When I take two manual hits on the same flank, the window will not close properly. 260225 - The wrist does not rotate to measure the spur gear pitch. 260280 - When I try to align the pinion gear, I get an application error. 259745 - The teminology is inconsistent. 260459 - The Auto Analyze function of the Measure dialog does nothing. 259886 - After clearaing an error, the execute dialog is still red. 259699 - I cannot take the manual clocking points on the Spiral Bevel Gear alignment. 259883 - When I cancel out of a Gear measurement, I get an unhandled exception error. 260665 - When I try to start Gear, it fails with an error about not finding MTWzMathUtil.dll 260676 - When I run the latest gear application (Gear22b_090320C.zip), I get an error message on the screen 260777 - The application is using the wrong wrist angle for the profile and lead measurement on this gear. 260798 - Why is the "span over teeth" dimension so big? Its 1,000,000 mm! 260808 - The analog lead scan does not stop, but instead triues to scan over the top of the tooth, down the other side, and off the gear. 260912 - Select recentlt opened file in File manu will not make MEASURE button enabled in toolbar. 260806 - The gear measurement stops with no indication of errors or trouble. 260913 - When I selct "Use alternate proble fofr profile and helix scanning", probe keep totating when it try to measure profile and helix even if I don't need to measure some teeth. 260991 - Bad output in report when evaluating an incomplete gear. 260283 - After successfully measuring the pinion gear, a 2nd attempt results in a hang and then application error. 260762 - Error massage during installation. 261071 - Gear crashes when it starts new plot server. 260587 - When I try to align this gear, the probe rotates to A45B0 instead of A0B0. 260925 - When I try to start the gear measurement, it wants to use the A105 wrist angle. 261012 - When I get an error message, the dialog remains green in color, not red as with other times. 260843 - Why are all of the Measure fields enabled when I am using an existing (Spur gear) file? 260979 - When I try to start the Bevel Gear alignment, it does not switch to the correct probe (from the rack). 260980 - Why does the system try to use the A105 wrist angle at the start of the Spiral Bevel Gear measurement? 261098 - The Spiral Bevel Gear Alignment dialog has no option to run an existing program. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PC-DMIS GEAR Version 2.2 build 0216 (built on Feb 16, 2009) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The problems listed below are fixed in this version: ======================================================== 259753 - The Spiral Bevel Gear program dos not load the proper tool. 259759 - When I try to use an existing program, there is no clear indication of which characteristic will be measured. 259761 - When I close out of the Gear application, it still leaves PC-DMIS running in the task manager. 259745 - ANALYZE in the toolbar icon, and in the menu,in some of the more updated dialogs it is now called EVALUATE 259699 - I cannot take the manual clocking points on the Spiral Bevel Gear alignment. 259672 - When I try to use a different probe for profile and lead, I get an application error. 259700 - Quality number of Vpsi is not evaluate and printed out properly in report when AGMA standard is selected. 259643 - When I specificy alignment measurement between 0 - 180 degrees, it uses significantly less than that. 259638 - When I try to measure with an existing program, the Create button si disabled because I've not entered an alignment. 259642 - After Measurement, there is no longer a dialog to indicate that it was successful. 259339 - When I try to access the Scan Settings from the Measure dialog, there seems to be a problem in the display area. 259338 - The wrist does not turn to the correct angle prior to starting gear measurement. 259118 - The probe lifts to the clearance plane between EVERY measurement on this internal gear. 259051 - Cannot Open .gear file created in Pc-dmis Gear V1.8 in Pc-dmis Gear V2.1 - Receive an error message stating "Unrecognized database format". ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PC-DMIS GEAR Version 2.2 build 0120 (built on Jan 20, 2009) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The problems listed below are fixed in this version: ======================================================== 259053 - When an old gear file (created by Gear v1.8) is imported into Gear v2.1, the measured data are not imported properly. 259099 - Rename ReleaseNote.txt to Readme.txt. 259116 - The Gear dialog buttons are different than earlier versions fo Gear, and also different than typical PC-DMIS buttons. 259118 - The probe lifts to the clearance plane between EVERY measurement on this internal gear. 259146 - The Gear appllication thinks changes have been made when this is not the case. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PC-DMIS GEAR Version 2.2 build 0112 (built on Jan 12, 2009) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enhancement are listed as below: =================================== 1. Evaluate "Span Over Teeth(Wk)" for checking tooth thickness/Space. 2. Add menu item "Recent Files" in File menu to make it easy to open the recently opened files. 3. Calculate and fill automatically the default value for pitch/runout, profile and lead measurement. 4. Add capability of exporting a master flank data file(Gleason format) from a Bevel Gear file. 5. Add capability of exporting and importing a mes file(measurement data file). 6. Add possibility to define profile or lead scanning with total point numbers instead of points density. 7. Plot Adjacent pitch error(Fu) curve in the report. 8. Add functionality to import an initial alignment when aligning a gear. 9. Add independent prehit/retract distance setting for clocking points measurement when aligning gear. 10. Add functionality to evaluate "Cumculative K Teeth Pitch Error". The problems listed below are fixed in this version: ======================================================== 258626 - When I entered a scan density of 0.1 points/mm, I get an unhandled exception error. 258621 - The clearplan cannot be defined using minus. 258506 - It says "The alignment is created successfully" even if I cancel aligning the spur gear. 258424 - Unbelievable result in case of number of tooth are 6. 258423 - The probe directions, or measuring squences are not correct. 258407 - Vpsi is evaluated too big when measuring a corwn gear. 258406 - When we align gear with "align with shaft", the muiltiple tips for manual cylinder option and Clearance height don't work properly. 258400 - The measurement date and time is not updated when I open an existing pp to execute in Gear. 258346 - There are some issues when you set BoundaryType Sphere. 258312 - Lower and upper tolerance of Crown is output incorrectly in report. 258311 - Profile angle error fHA is calculated incorrectly in report. 258291 - The Part program name field does not distinguish between alignments and measurements file names. 258290 - AGMA tolerance does not come out. 258280 - The report drawing is not right. 258153 - The parameters defined in scan setting doesn't match up to the parameters in scan command generated by Gear. 258069 - When I try to analyze Lead on this gear, the graphics show nothing.