Dual Arm Path Optimization

Path Optimization for dual arm programs are similar to single arm programs with a few exceptions. The Dual Arms area of the Optimize Path dialog box is enabled and the Starting Feature pull-down list is hidden. To complete Path Optimization for dual arms, follow the procedure described in "Performing the Path Optimization" and then complete the following steps:

  1. Select the Assign Arms check box. The Optimize Path process will assign arms to each of the Selected Features (or All Features ).

Dual Arms are of the Optimize Path dialog box


  1. Specify the Overlap percentage in the %Overlap to use. This controls how the machine volume is divided between the two arms. At 0%, each arm would only be allowed to measure features that are within the half of the machine volume that is accessible to that arm.  At 100%, Arm1 would be assigned to all the features.

  2. Click OK to begin the Path Optimization process. This displays the Optimize Path Starting Features dialog box. This allows you to specify the starting feature for each arm

Optimize Path Starting Features dialog box