Inspection Planner uses CAD files (.CAD extension) to store the imported CAD and any embedded Inspection Plans. This allows you to store multiple Inspection Plans in the IP CAD file. When you import an IP CAD file into PC-DMIS that has one or more embedded plans, PC-DMIS allows you to select Inspection Plans using the File | Import | Inspection Plan menu item.
Inspection Plans are included with an IP CAD file when the plan has been "released". To do release a plan, right-click on a "modified" plan and select Release Plan from the pop-up menu. "Released" plans will be embedded with the saved IP CAD file.
Any changes made to a plan will change its status to "modified", requiring that it becomes "released" again.
Alternately, you may choose to import an Inspection Plan into PC-DMIS that you have exported from Inspection Planner.
The following command are used to Create, Open, Save and Close IP CAD files:
Click New from the File Operations toolbar or select the File | New menu item. This creates a new IP CAD file named "Untitled". The file is not saved at this point, but would require you to save the file.
Click Open from the File Operations toolbar or select the File | Open menu item. This opens the Open dialog box. Browse to and select the needed CAD file. Click Open to open the file.
Click Save from the File Operations toolbar or select the File | Save menu item to save the file. When you select the File | Save As menu item, the Save As dialog box opens. Type the desired name in the File Name box and click Save.
Select the File | Close menu item to close the current file without closing Inspection Planner.