Constructed Cylinder

A constructed cylinder can be created using the best fit calculation from two circles.

To create a cylinder from two circles:

  1. Click the Construct button from the Main toolbar.

  1. Select the Cylinder button from the Construction toolbar. The QuickStart feature selection grid appears and the progress bar displays question marks for the needed input features.

The highlighted icon indicates the current step of the constructed feature task.


  1. Using one of the following methods, select a circle:



Input From Selection Grid

  1. Click the circle button from the feature selection grid.

  2. Take at least three hits to define the circle feature.

  3. Edit the parameters for the circle if needed.

  4. Click Next or press the Done (middle) button on your Gage arm.

See the "Measured Circle" topic for more detailed information on measuring circles.

Input From History Window

Select the Feature ID or feature icon for the needed circle feature from the Input Feature List.


  1. Repeat step 3 for the second circle feature.

  1. Verify the constructed cylinder and click Finish or press the Done (middle) button on your Gage arm. The new constructed cylinder is added to the History window.

  1. Select the check box next to the new constructed cylinder feature in the History window to toggle the display of the cylinder in the report.