The Graphic Modes toolbar allows you to change the attributes and functionality of the Graphics Display Window. These functions are discussed in greater detail in the "Graphics Modes Toolbar" topic of the core PC-DMIS help file.
Graphics Modes Toolbar
Icon |
Function |
View Setup - Opens the View Setup dialog box which allows you to change the layout for multiple panels of the Graphics Display Window and the viewing angles for each panel. You can also create levels and select the feature that are located on each level. The display of rulers, a 3D grid, surface or wire frame are other functions of this dialog box. Some options available here are also available on the Graphics View toolbar. You may also select the View | Graphics Display Window | View Setup menu item. | |
Scale to Fit - Centers the display of the CAD image in the Graphics Display Window both vertically and horizontally. You may also select the View | Graphics Display Window | Scale To Fit menu item. | |
Repaint to Screen - Refreshes the display of the Graphics Display Window to include all data that should be displayed. You may also select the View | Graphics Display Window | Repaint The Screen menu item. | |
Curve Mode - This mode allows you to select CAD wire frame data from the Graphics Display Window. You may also select the View | Graphics Display Window | Modes | Curve menu item. | |
Surface Mode - This mode allows you to select CAD surface data from the Graphics Display Window. You may also select the View | Graphics Display Window | Modes | Surface menu item. | |
Translate Mode - This mode allows you to zoom in (click in bottom half) and out (click in top half) with right-clicks in the Graphics Display Window. Click and drag the to move the display to the desired location. You may also select the View | Graphics Display Window | Modes | Translate menu item. | |
2D Rotate Mode - This mode allows you to rotate around the center of the current viewing angle by right-clicking and dragging in the Graphics Display Window. You may also select the View | Graphics Display Window | Modes | 2D Rotate menu item. | |
3D Rotate Mode - This mode allows you to rotate the CAD relative to the center of the CAD elements by right-clicking and dragging in the Graphics Display Window. You may also select the View | Graphics Display Window | Modes | 3D Rotate menu item. | |
Text Box Mode - This Mode allows you to you manipulate feature IDs, and feature control frames. Note: When your mouse isn't over a feature or text box, PC-DMIS allows you to perform the normal translate mode operations of zooming and rotating the part with the right mouse button. See "Translate Mode" | |
Assembly - Opens the CAD Assembly dialog box which allows you to control the visibility of the elements that make up the assembly. You can also access the CAD Transform dialog box to reposition the CAD, Delete elements of the assembly, or access the Coordinate System dialog box. You may also select the View | Graphics Display Window | CAD Assembly menu item. See "Working with Assemblies". | |
Coordinate System - Opens the Coordinate System dialog box which allows you to Create, Rename, Delete or Replace the current coordinate system. You may also select the View | Graphics Display Window | CAD Coordinate System menu item. | |
CAD Lighting - Opens the Lighting and materials dialog box which allows you to change Graphics Display Window lighting, transparency, CAD texture mapping, material colors, and clipping planes. You may also select the View | Graphics Display Window | Lighting, Materials menu item. | |
Rotation Options - Opens the Rotate Options dialog box which allows you to set options to optimize the display of CAD elements when they are rotated or moved. You may also select the View | Graphics Display Window | Rotate 2D/3D Options menu item. | |
Display Symbols - Opens the Display Symbols dialog box which allows you to change how different symbols are displayed in the Graphics Display window. You may also select the View | Graphics Display Window | Display Symbols menu item. See "Modifying Display Symbols" |