Updating Changes

Change Management is the process of updating an existing Inspection Plan when you "Import CAD Data" from your CAD system that has changed. Possible changes may include features or tolerances being modified, added, or deleted.

Change Management dialog box

Double-clicking a feature name from any list will expand the display the parameters for that feature. This allows you to compare values before updating you part program.

Use the following controls to process the differences in the CAD file and the imported Inspection Plan:

Update Candidates Area

Candidates Area

  1. OK: Accepts all the current changes, writing the changes into the current part program. The dialog box is also closed.

  2. Cancel: Exits the dialog box, disregarding all the changes made.

Change Management is also used to update your existing part program in PC-DMIS with your newly updated Inspection Plan. See "Updating Inspection Plans".